Man pages for mrajter/rajter.flex
A Flextable Based Statistics Package

check.labsCheck variable and value labels
chisq.flexClaculate chi-square test with post-hocs
comp.flexCreate comperimeter tables
cor.flexCorrelation matrix from data.frame
des.flexProvide basic descriptives
freq.flexFrequencies table
get.var.nameGet variable name or variable label
im_on_fireSet up everything needed to start an analysis
load.SPSSLoad dataset from SPSS
nfac.flexDetermine how many components to extract in PCA
nlAdd new line from within r code chunk
pca.flexPerform PCA
pipePipe operator
rajter.flex-packagerajter.flex: A Flextable Based Statistics Package
r.ksCalculates Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with Lilliefors correction
r.kurtosisCalculates excess kurtosis of the variable
r.kurtosis.seCalculates standard error for excess kurtosis of the variable
r.skewnessCalculates skewness of the variable
r.skewness.seCalculates standard error for the skewness of the variable
r.swCalculates Shapiro-Wilk test
set.r.flex.optsSet r.flex.opts variable
small.t.flexsingle t-test. A helper function for ttest.flex
ttest.flexIndependent samples t-test flextable for t-test. A helper function for ttest.flex
xtabs.flexCreate crosstabs (contingency tables)
mrajter/rajter.flex documentation built on July 30, 2024, 1:31 a.m.