Man pages for mschmidty/AIMtools
Tools for working with AIM Data.

coverproduces cover and soil surface by symbol (species or other)...
dima_coverproduces cover by type by plot
dima_gapreturns total gap and gap percent by plot.
dima_heightsproduces herbaceous and woody heights by type (woody and...
gapreturns total gap and gap percent by plot of survey123 data.
heightproduces heights for all plots by line or plot.
helloHello, World!
qa_qcRuns all qc functions and returns a list of tibbles, each...
sage_covercalculates sage cover percent.
sp_richAnalyze species richness data from AIM data hosted on ArcGIS...
sp_rich_dimaAnalyze species richness from AIM data in a DIMA database. #'
sp_rich_qcproduces a table with a variety of species richness related...
unknown_countcounts number of unknowns that have been identified.
unknown_qcChecks to see if species identified as 'FinalCode' have...
mschmidty/AIMtools documentation built on Sept. 29, 2022, 7:40 p.m.