Man pages for msperlin/yf
Downloads and Organizes Financial Data from Yahoo Finance

pipePipe operator
yf_cachefolder_getReturns the default folder for caching
yf_collection_getDownloads a collection of data from Yahoo Finance
yf_convert_to_wideTransforms a long (stacked) data frame into a list of wide...
yf_getDownload financial data from Yahoo Finance
yf_get_available_collectionsReturns available collections
yf_get_dividendsGet Yahoo Finance Dividends from a single stock
yf_index_compositionGet current composition of stock indices
yf_index_listGet available indices in package
yf_live_pricesYahoo Finance Live Prices
msperlin/yf documentation built on July 2, 2024, 5:12 a.m.