Man pages for mstaniak/proteomics_examples
Useful Functions For Proteomics Data Analysis and Simulations

calculate_monoisotopic_massFind monoisotopic mass of a neutral peptide
get_peptide_protein_matrixCalculate the matrix of peptide-protein inclusions.
get_peptidesGet unique peptides from a list of proteins
monoisotopic_massesMonoisotopic masses of all amino acids
monoisotopic_masses_vecMonoisotopic masses of all amino acids
plot_shared_peptidesPlot a histogram of number of proteins that match shared...
protein_18_mix18 proteins
summarise_peptidesSummary of peptides
tryptic_digestion_singleIn silico (perfect) tryptic digestion
mstaniak/proteomics_examples documentation built on Aug. 27, 2019, 9:56 a.m.