Man pages for nickseedorff/totalvis
totalvis: A Principal Components Approach to Visualizing Total Effects in Black Box Models

check_regression_predsTest number of level used for predictions, warn if regression...
classification_predsControl flow for classification predictions
partial_effectsDiagnostic plot for assessing effects of individual features...
plot.featiceGenerate an ICE plots over for a specified feature
plot.featvisGenerate a partial depedence plot for a specified feature
plot.partialvisDiagnostic plot for totalvis function
plot.pinvisGenerate a total effect plot for a specific principal...
plot.totalvisGenerate a partial depedence plot for a specified principal...
pred_diffObtain predictions resulting from shifting a single feature
pred_valCalculate the average prediction after imputing the value for...
regression_predsControl flow for regression predictions
rev_pcaInverse of the PCA transformation, including centering and...
scree_plotScreeplot wrapper function for totalvis objects
totalvisCreate an object for visualizing pdp plots for a principal...
totalvis-packagetotalvis: A Principal Components Approach to Visualizing...
nickseedorff/totalvis documentation built on May 12, 2021, 8:49 p.m.