Man pages for nicolas-robette/moreparty
A Toolbox for Conditional Inference Trees and Random Forests

BivariateAssocBivariate association measures for supervised learning tasks.
ctree-moduleShiny module to build and analyse conditional inference trees
EasyTreeVarImpVariable importance for conditional inference trees.
fastcforestParallelized conditional inference random forest
fastvarImpVariable importance for conditional inference random forests
fastvarImpAUCVariable importance (with AUC performance measure) for...
FeatureSelectionFeature selection for conditional random forests.
GetAleDataAccumulated Local Effects for a conditional random forest.
GetCtreeGets a tree from a conditional random forest
GetInteractionStrengthStrength of interactions
GetPartialDataPartial dependence for a conditional random forest.
GetSplitStatsPermutation tests results for each split in a conditional...
ggForestEffectsDot plot of covariates effects
ggVarImpDot plot of variable importance
ictreeAn interactive app for conditional inference trees
NiceTreePlotPlots conditional inference trees.
NodesInfoInformations about terminal nodes
NodeTreePlotPlots the results of each node of a conditional inference...
OutliersComputes outliers
PerfsBinClassifPerformance measures for binary classification tasks
PerfsRegressionPerformance measures for regressions
PrototypesPrototypes of groups
SurrogateTreeSurrogate tree for conditional inference random forests
titanicTitanic dataset
TreeStabStability assessment of conditional inference trees
nicolas-robette/moreparty documentation built on April 10, 2024, 2:24 p.m.