Man pages for nstrayer/phewasHelper
Helpers For Working With PheWas And PheCode Data

add_phecode_levelsAdd phecode levels to dataframe
category_colorsPheCode category colors
get_phecode_infoGet phecode information
join_phecode_infoJoin data with phecode information
normalize_phecodesNormalize a phecode vector to padded character
phecode_descriptionsPhecode Descriptions
phecode_to_levelsPhecode to hierarchy levels
pipePipe operator
rollup_phecode_countsRollup phecode counts
rollup_phecode_pairsRollup binary phecode pairs
scale_color_phecodePhecode color scale for ggplot2
sparse_matrix_to_tidyTidy a sparse matrix
theme_phewasPhewas friendly theming for ggplot2
nstrayer/phewasHelper documentation built on April 2, 2020, 5:06 a.m.