Man pages for nwisn/blandPower
Tools for Bland-Altman Analysis

estimateConfidenceIntervalsEstimate confidence intervals for Bland-Altman limits of...
estimateLimitsOfAgreementEstimate Bland-Altman limits of agreement
estimatePowerCurveEstimate power curve for Bland-Altman limits of agreement...
estimatePowerFromBetaEstimate power for Bland-Altman limits of agreement test
estimatePowerFromPowerCurveEstimate power for Bland-Altman limits of agreement test
estimateSampleSizeEstimate sample size for Bland-Altman limits of agreement...
estimateSampleSizeFromPowerCurveEstimate sample size for Bland-Altman limits of agreement...
estimateSampleSize_mu0Estimate sample size for Bland-Altman limits of agreement...
estimateTypeIIerrorEstimate Type II error for Bland-Altman limits of agreement...
plotBlandAltmanBland-Altman plot
plotConfidenceIntervalCurvePlot confidence interval curves for Bland-Altman limits of...
plotPowerCurvePlot sample size vs power for Bland-Altman limits of...
simulatePowerSimulate power for Bland-Altman limits of agreement test
simulatePowerCurveEstimate power curve for Bland-Altman limits of agreement...
nwisn/blandPower documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 4:33 a.m.