Man pages for nyiuab/NBZIMM
Negative Binomial and Zero-Inflated Mixed Models

fixedExtracting and Summarizing Fixed Effects
glmm.nbNegative Binomial Mixed Models
glmm.zinbZero-Inflated Negative Binomial Mixed Models
heat.pggplot2 heatmap of p values
lme.zigZero-Inflated Gaussian Mixed Models
mgamFitting Mixed Models Separately for Many Responses Using...
mglmmTMBFitting Mixed Models Separately for Many Responses Using...
mmsFitting Mixed Models Separately for Many Responses Using...
NBZIMM-packageNegative Binomial and Zero-Inflated Mixed Models
nonzeroProportions of Non-Zero Values (Prevalence)
plot.fixedPlotting Estimates, Standard Deviations and P-values of Fixed...
RomeroLongitudinal Microbiome Count Data of Pregnant and...
simSimulating Overdispersed and/or Zero-Inflated Count Data with...
nyiuab/NBZIMM documentation built on June 14, 2024, 1:45 a.m.