Man pages for obrady/SpatialDengue
Fits and simulates a spatial model of the vector-borne disease dengue

betaEnv.generateGenerating a baseline landscape of vector-human and...
case.backtrack.timeEstablishing model initial conditions
Cdeath.MN.funcNested mosquito death sampler (due to vector control)
DEN.spatialRun a single realisation of the spatial dengue model
DEN.spatial.ensembleRun a multiple realisations of the spatial dengue model and...
DEN.spatial.RCTSimulate a randomised control trial of dengue prophylactic...
DEN.spatial.seasonalRun a single realisation of the spatial dengue model
DEN.spatial.UCTSimulate an urban cluster trial of dengue prophylactic drugs
EIP.MN.funcNested EIP completion sampler
finalWeightsPosterior distribution of fitted model parameters
find.DspotsFind detected spots
Hum.Drug.Treat.MNNested Human drug treatment sampler
hum.inf.probCalculate probability of human infection
make.eval.setCreating an evaluation dataset for fitting
make.unipixCreate a universal lookup table from a population raster
model.runRun a model simulation (workhorse function)
mos.inf.probCalculate probability of mosquito infection
mosqAdult mosquito capture data for Singapore
move.matrix.geneCreating a movement matrix
multinomMultinomial state transition sampler
natdeath.MN.funcNested mosquito death sampler Longitude and Latitude of clusters to pixel IDs in grid
plot.statePlots a map of a given model compartment state
pop.processPopulation processing
rad.modelRadiation model
Sample.size.calcUpdating sample size calculations for trial design
seroSeroprevalence of dengue in Singapore
sero1kmvecProportion immune in Singapore in vector format
sgdatReported dengue cases in Singapore 2013-2016
sgpopPopulation of Singapore in raster format
sgpop1kmvecPopulation of Singapore in vector format
stim.generateGenerating a baseline landscape of susceptible individuals
transitionMatrix time transition function
UCT.Eff.calcSummarises the results from multiple simulations of a UCT
unipixA universal lookup table for pixels and patches in the focus...
obrady/SpatialDengue documentation built on Nov. 27, 2020, 12:13 p.m.