Man pages for oncoclass/hemaClass
One-by-one normalization and classification of hematological malignacies

ABCGCBClassification of cell of origin
BAGSClassification of cell of origin
fitOSFit overall and progression free survival
hemaClass-packagehemaClass: Classification tool for haematological cancers
makeAllGenerate news, celfiles, and help for website
microarrayScaleScaling of expression values
readABCGCBCoefRead coefficients for the ABC/GCB classifier
readBAGSCoefRead coefficients for the BAGS classifier
readCelfilesRead '.CEL' files into a matrix
readDrugCoefRead coefficients for REGS classifiers and predictors
readReferenceRead references for RMA normalisation based on reference
REGSREGS for prediction of chemoresistance
rmaPreprocessingRMA pre-process '.CEL' files
rmaReferenceRMA pre-process '.CEL' files read
rowSdsCalculation of standard deviations and variance
runHemaClassRun the shiny server for hemaClass.
oncoclass/hemaClass documentation built on May 24, 2019, 2:19 p.m.