Man pages for openjusticeok/ojodb
Analyze Data from the Open Justice Oklahoma Database

get_connection_objectGet Connection Object
ojo_add_countsAdd counts to a tibble of cases
ojo_add_issuesAdd issues to civil cases
ojo_add_minutesQuery minutes for a given case
ojo_add_party_detailsAdd party details to a parties query
ojo_authCreate configuration for OJO database connection
ojo_case_typesList the case types present in the OJO database
ojo_check_sslCheck whether the database connection is using SSL properly
ojo_civ_casesQuery civil cases from the OJO database
ojo_collectOJO Collect
ojo_colorAdd OJO styling to a ggplot
ojo_connectOJO Connect
ojo_county_populationGet population data by county for Oklahoma from the Census...
ojo_crim_casesQuery criminal cases from the OJO database
ojo_envOJO Environment
ojo_eviction_casesOJO Eviction Cases
ojo_fillAdd OJO styling to a ggplot
ojo_fiscal_yearDetermine the Oklahoma state fiscal year that a Date falls in
ojo_list_schemasList all schemas on the OJO database
ojo_list_tablesList all tables on the OJO database
ojo_list_varsList all variables in a table on the ojodb database
ojo_palAdd OJO styling to a ggplot
ojo_queryOJO Query
ojo_search_minutesQuery minutes for a given search term
ojo_show_rowBrowse the source court record of a row
ojo_tblIdentify a table from the OJO database
ojo_themeStyle a ggplot in the OJO style
ojo_versionOJO Version
skip_if_no_dbSkip If No Database Connection
tbl_from_gcs_arrowFetch data from Google Cloud Storage
tbl_from_gcs_duckdbFetch data from Google Cloud Storage using duckdb
tbl_from_rpostgresFetch data from a database
openjusticeok/ojodb documentation built on Aug. 4, 2024, 3:25 p.m.