Man pages for pablogonzalezginestet/stackBagg
Stacked IPCW Bagging

algorithmsLibrary of Machine learning procedures
datagenPaperSimulation settings from Gonzalez Ginestet et al. (2019+)....
ipcw_aucIPC Weighted AUC Loss Function
parametersSimulationParameter Values for the Simulation
plot_rocPlot IPCW ROC curve
prediction_discardPrediction discarding censored observations
stackBaggStacked IPCW Bagging
stackBagg-internalAlgorithm 2: Procedure to obtain optimally the coefficients...
stackBagg-packagestackBagg: Stacked IPCW Bagging
tune_params_mlTuning parameter selection
pablogonzalezginestet/stackBagg documentation built on Aug. 27, 2023, 10:21 p.m.