Man pages for paleo13/bayescanr
BayeScan Analysis in R

BayeScanAnalysisCreate BayeScanAnalysis object
BayeScanAnalysis-classBayeScanAnalysis: An S4 class to represent inputs and outputs...
BayeScanDataCreate BayeScanData object
BayeScanData-classBayeScanData: An S4 class to represent input data for...
BayeScanOptsCreate BayeScanOpts object
BayeScanOpts-classBayeScanOpts: An S4 class to represent BayeScan parameters
BayeScanReplicateCreate BayeScanReplicate object
BayeScanReplicate-classBayeScanReplicate: An S4 class to results from BayeScan
BayeScanResultsCreate BayeScanResults object
BayeScanResults-classBayeScanResults: An S4 class to results from BayeScan
gelman.diagGelman-Rubin diagnostic statistics
loci.subsetSubset loci
n.lociNumber of loci
nmdsNonmetric multidimensional scaling for AFLP data
n.popNumber of populations
n.samplesNumber of samples
pop.namesNames of populations
pop.subsetSubset populations
printPrint objects
read.BayeScanDataRead FSTAT data for BayeScan
read.BayeScanReplicateRead BayeScan run
run.BayeScanRun BayeScan
sample.labelsSample labels
sample.popsName of sample populations
sample.subsetSubset samples
showShow objects
write.BayeScanDataWrite data for BayeScan
paleo13/bayescanr documentation built on May 24, 2019, 5:59 p.m.