Man pages for paravian/nitro
Integration of TNT in R

AbstractCharacterMatrixAbstract character matrix
AbstractExtensionAbstract extension
AbstractResamplingOptionsDefine options common to resampling analyses
AbstractSectorialSearchOptionsDefine options common to sectorial searches
BootstrapOptionsSet options for bootstrap resampling
BranchBreakingOptionsSet options for branch breaking
BranchSupportOptionsSet options for branch support calculation
BranchSwappingOptionsDefine a branch swapping analysis
c.AbstractCharacterMatrixConcatenate character matrices
canale_2022Canale et al. (2022) matrix
CommandQueueCommand Queue
ConstrainedSectorialSearchOptionsSet options for a constrained sectorial search
ConstraintBaseOptionsSet constraints on monophyly
ContinuousMatrixContinuous character matrix
create_matrixCreate a new character matrix
create_new_objectCreate a new object
DiscreteMatrixDiscrete character matrix
DrivenSearchOptionsSet options for driven searches
ExclusiveSectorialSearchOptionsSet options for an exclusive sectorial search
execute_analysisExecute CommandQueue
ImpliedWeightingOptionsSet options for implied weighting
JackknifeOptionsSet options for jackknife resampling
MonophylyConstraintOptionsSet constraints on monophyly
new_search_configCreate a new search configuration
OutputParserOutput parser for TNT
print.MultiCharacterMatrixPrint MultiCharacterMatrix object
RandomSectorialSearchOptionsSet options for a random sectorial search
RatchetOptionsSet options for parsimony ratchet
raven_2017Raven and Maidment (2017) matrix
SymmetricResamplingOptionsSet options for symmetric resampling
tnt_attachRegister TNT executable
TreeAnalysisDefine tree searches
TreeAnalysisResultsResults of a tree analyses
TreeDriftingOptionsSet options for tree drifting
TreeFusingOptionsSet options for tree fusing
TreeHybridizingOptionsSet options for tree hybridizing
paravian/nitro documentation built on Jan. 17, 2025, 11:21 p.m.