Man pages for patelm9/readi

add_file_details_sectionAdd a File Details section in README If the in the...
add_FileDetails_to_csvAdd Readi object to a csv file by converting it into Excel
add_FileDetails_to_ExcelUpdate an Excel file with a File Details tab
add_README_entryAdd a an entry to section
add_README_sectionAdd a section to if it does not already exist If...
applyApplies a Readi to File Details section with the...
apply_readiTakes a Readi Class object and updates the File...
attach_to_csvAdd Readi object to a csv file by converting it into Excel
Bookmark-classSet Bookmark S4 Class
clear_README_sectionClear the contents of a README section
create_readmeCreates a in the working directory if it doesn't...
create_README.mdWrite a in the working directory if it doesn't...
delete_README_sectionDelete the contents of a README section
FileDetails-classSet FileDetails S4 Class A FileDetails object contains the...
log_to_readme_sectionLog to a README by section
make_AddOnFileDetailsDFCreate a Readi Dataframe
make_BookmarkMake a Bookmark S4 Class object
make_FileDetailsMake a FileDetails class object
make_readiCreate a Readi
make_readi_dfCreate a Readi Dataframe
make_readi_readmeMake the File Details section for the in wd
make_READMEMake a README Class object
make_StandardFileDetailsDFCreate a File Details Dataframe
make_TraceMake a Trace S4 Class Object
mk_readiCreate a Readi
paperclipApplies a Readi to File Details section with the...
Readi-classSet Readi S4 Class A Readi object contains the contents of a...
README-classSet README S4 Class A README object contains the contents of...
report_metricsReturn metrics on all the Tabs in an Excel
save_noteSave a note
staple_FileDetails_toAttach FileDetails to the and Destination File
to_headingGet a section_name in GitHub Flavored Markdown heading format
Trace-classSet the Trace S4 Object Class
trace_objectsReturn metadata on the objects in the global environment
update_excelUpdate an Excel file with a File Details tab
update_readmeUpdate in working directory from a Readi obj
view_notesView all notes
write_READMEWrites a README object to the
write_to_readme_sectionWrites to a README by section
patelm9/readi documentation built on Dec. 2, 2020, 5:08 p.m.