Man pages for pcctc/croquet
Miscellaneous Operations for PCCTC

add_labelled_sheetAdds a sheet to an excel workbook with with both variable...
cite_rCite R and R Packages
croquet-packagecroquet: Miscellaneous Operations for PCCTC
find_duplicatesFind duplicate observations in a data frame by a identifier.
group_split_namedSplits data frame by groups into a named list
pipePipe operator
read_labelled_sheetReads an excel sheet with labelled data
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
retrieve_labelsRetrieve labels from labelled data
select_helpersSelect Helpers
set_derived_variable_labelsApply variable labels to data frame
theme_gtsummary_pcctcSet PCCTC gtsummary theme
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
use_pcctc_rstudio_prefsUse Data Science RStudio Preferences
pcctc/croquet documentation built on Aug. 10, 2024, 7:04 a.m.