Man pages for pedersen-fisheries-lab/spaspm
Spatial Surplus Production Model Framework for Northern Shrimp Populations

accessors-methods-discret_methodAccessing OR replacing 'discretization_method' model elements
accessors-methods-sspm_boundaryAccessing OR replacing 'sspm_boundary' model elements
accessors-methods-sspm_datasetAccessing OR replacing 'sspm_dataset' model elements
accessors-methods-sspm_fitAccessing OR replacing 'sspm_fit' model elements
accessors-methods-sspm_formulaAccessing OR replacing 'sspm_formula' model elements
as_discretization_methodCast into a 'discretization_method' object
borealis_simulatedSimulated biomass data
catch_simulatedSimulated catch data
discretization_method-classsspm discretization method class
extract-methodsExtract methods
fitFit the GAM part of a sspm model
intervalsGAM confidence and prediction intervals
map_formulaMap model formula onto a sspm_dataset object
pipePipe operator
plotPlot 'sspm' objects
predator_simulatedSimulated predator data
predictPredict with a SPM model
sfa_boundariesSFA boundaries data
smoothssspm Smoothing functions
spmFit an SPM model
spm_aggregateAggregate a dataset or fit data variable based on a boundary
spm_aggregate_catchUpdate biomass value from catch adta
spm_as_boundaryCreate a sspm_boundary object
spm_as_datasetCreate a 'sspm_dataset' dataset structure
spm_discretizeDiscretize a 'sspm' model object
spm_lagCreate lagged columns in a sspm smoothed data slot
spm_methodsGet the list of available discretization methods
spm_smoothSmooth a variable in a sspm dataset
spm_smooth_methodsGet the list of available smoothing methods
spm_splitSplit data in test and train sets
sspm-accessors-methodsAccessing OR replacing 'sspm' model elements
sspm_boundary-classsspm boundary structure
sspm-classsspm model class
sspm-constructorCreate a 'sspm' model object
sspm_dataset-classsspm dataset structure
sspm_discrete_boundary-classsspm discrete boundary structure
sspm_fit-classsspm fit
sspm_formula-classsspm formula object
sspm-packagesspm: Spatial Surplus Production Model Framework for Northern...
summarySummarises 'sspm_fit' objects
tesselate_voronoiPerform voronoi tesselation
triangulate_delaunayPerform delaunay triangulation
pedersen-fisheries-lab/spaspm documentation built on Feb. 16, 2025, 7:39 p.m.