Man pages for pedroguarderas/mau
Decision Models with Multi Attribute Utility Theory

bar_plotBar plot of utilities
borda_countBorda count
colley_ratingColley method
compute_modelEvaluation of decision tree nodes
deep_computeCompute the deep position of every node
divide_weightsDivide weights of internal nodes
eval_utilitiesEvaluate utilities
index_weightsCompute leaves weights
make_decision_treeEvaluate utilities
od_ratingOffensive - Defensive rating method
plot_sim_weightPlot decision MAUT model with weights simulations
read_treeEvaluate utilities
read_utilitiesRead utilities
sim_const_weightsSimulation of constrained weights
sim_weightsSimulation of weights
spider_plotSpider plot
stand_stringStandardize strings
sum_weightsSum weights for internal nodes
pedroguarderas/mau documentation built on June 4, 2024, 2:04 a.m.