Man pages for personalscience/tasterdb
Create and Maintain Databases for Tastermonial Projects

db_write_glucoseWrite a glucose dataframe to the database
db_write_notesWrite a notes dataframe to the database
experiment_dfmake a dataframe for experiments
fill_glucose_records_from_scratchRead all CSV files again and enter them into the database
fill_taster_notes_from_scratchFill all Tastermonial notes
id_from_initialfind user_id from first few chars in a name
id_from_tasterFind user_id from a Tastermonial Json object
load_dbCrate a taster_db object and load all available Libreview...
load_db_efficientCreate a taster_db object and load all available Libreview...
load_libreview_csv_from_directoryUnified dataframe for all glucose CSV files in 'path'
load_nutrisense_csv_from_directoryUnified dataframe for all glucose CSV files in 'path'
make_new_database_if_necessaryCreate or delete a new database as required
name_for_user_idFind username associated with an ID
name_from_libreview_filename of the person associated with a Libreview glucose file.
psi_fill_database_from_scratchFill database after dropping
psi_make_table_if_necessaryMake new database tables if necessary
psi_make_table_with_indexShow table as a dataframe
psi_write_glucoseWrite a glucose dataframe to the database
psi_write_notesWrite a Notes CSV to the notes table in the database
run_taster_notesmain function to read notes
table_dfCreate a database object
taster_classify_foodClassify a Tastermonial food into limited categories
taster_from_retool_csvRead notes from the iPhone app csv
taster_old_typeformRead notes from old "typeform" csv
taster_rawRead a raw Tastermonial CGM log (as downloaded from retool)
transform_old_typeform(one-time only) Make a version of the Typeform data with...
user_df_from_dbAll user records in the database
user_df_from_libreviewUsers known to Libreview Practice Portal
user_df_from_libreview_csvReturn user list from Tastermonial Libreview download
user_id_for_nameuser_id of a valid name string
write_user_list_from_scratchwrites an entire user list to the database
personalscience/tasterdb documentation built on Dec. 22, 2021, 7:44 a.m.