Man pages for peterson-tim-j/AWAPer
Catchment Area Weighted Climate Data Anywhere in Australia

catchmentsExample catchment boundary polygons.
download.ASCII.file'download.ASCII.file' downloads grid data.
extractCatchmentData'extractCatchmentData' extracts catchment average climate...
get.ASCII.file.header'get.ASCII.file.header' get header information.
getDEMDownloads and imports Geoscience Australia 9s DEM.
getURLsGet default URLs for loading data.
makeNetCDF_fileBuild netCDF files of the Bureau of Meteorology (Australia)...
readin.ASCII.file'readin.ASCII.file' reads in a grid data.
peterson-tim-j/AWAPer documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 7:15 p.m.