Man pages for placeboo/subgraph
All possible Subgraphs

AA graphs List all possible A graphs based on given SIX nodes
antennaantenna graphs List all possible antenna graphs based on...
bullbull graphs List all possible bull graphs based on given FIVE...
butterflybutterfly graphs List all possible butterfly subgraphs based...
c4c4 graphs List all possible c4 graphs based on given FOUR...
c5c5 graphs List all possible c5 graphs based on given FIVE...
c6c6 graphs List all possible R graphs based on given SIX nodes
chairchair graphs List all possible chair graphs based on given...
checkUniqueCheck duplication Among the isomorphisms of a certain...
clawclaw graphs List all possible claw subgraphs based on given... graphs List all possible graphs based...
co.butterflyco-butterfly graphs List all possible co-butterfly subgraphs...
co.dartco-dart graphs List all possible co-dart graphs based on FIVE...
co.forkco-fork graphs List all possible co-fork graphs based on...
cricketcricket graphs List all possible bull graphs based on given...
crosscross graphs List all possible cross graphs based on given...
dartdart graphs List all possible dart graphs based on given Five...
deToInIncreasing order function change the decreasing pair to...
diamondDiamond graphs List all possible fiveFlower graphs based on...
dominodomino graphs List all possible domino graphs based on given...
EE graphs List all possible E graphs based on given SIX nodes
fillprobAll subgraphs List all subgraphs of specific number of nodes
findNodeFind the Node List a matrix to show the nodes in the graphs...
fishfish graphs List all possible fish graphs based on given SIX...
five_pan5-pan graphs List all possible 5-pan graphs based on given...
gemgem graphs List all possible gem graphs based on given FIVE...
HH graphs List all possible H graphs based on given SIX nodes
househouse graphs List all possible house subgraphs based on given...
is.neighborNeighbor Whether two nodes are neighbors in a graph
k14k14 graphs List all possible k14 graphs based on given FIVE...
k2K2 edges List all possible k2 graphs based on given nodes
k23k23 graphs List all possible k23 graphs based on FIVE given...
k2_k3k2 U k3 graphs List all possible k2 U k3 graphs based on FIVE...
k3K3 graphs List all possible k3 graphs based on given nodes graphs List all possible graphs based...
k4k4 graphs List all possible k4 graphs based on given nodes >=...
k5_k1.barfiveFlower graphs List all possible fiveFlower graphs based...
m2gmobius form to graphs Base on the form of linear combination...
neighborNeighbor For specific node in one graph, list all the nodes...
PP graphs List all possible P graphs based on given FIVE nodes
p2_p3p2_p3 graphs List all possible p2_p3 graphs based on given... graphs List all possible graphs based on...
p3P3 edges List all possible p3 graphs based on given nodes
p4p4 graphs List all possible p4 graphs based on given four...
p5p5 graphs List all possible p5 subgraphs based on given FIVE...
p6p6 graphs List all possible p6 subgraphs based on given FIVE...
pawpaw graphs List all possible claw subgraphs based on given... graphs List all possible graphs based on given...
prob_mobiusMobius parameters Base on the binary data probability space,...
probToEdgesFrom probability to edges
RR graphs List all possible R graphs based on given SIX nodes graphs List all possible R graphs based on given SIX...
threeK23k2 graphs List all possible 3k2 graphs based on given six...
twin.c5twin-c5 graphs List all possible twin-c5 graphs based on... graphs List all possible graphs...
twoK22k2 graphs List all possible 2k2 graphs based on given nodes
twoK32k3 graphs List all possible R graphs based on given SIX...
twoK3_e2K3+e graphs List all possible 2K3+e graphs based on given...
twoP32p3 graphs List all possible 2p3 graphs based on given SIX... graphs List all possible graphs based on...
x163x163 graphs List all possible x163 graphs based on given SIX...
x166x166 graphs List all possible x166 graphs based on given SIX...
x167x167 graphs List all possible x167 graphs based on given SIX...
x168x168 graphs List all possible x168 graphs based on given SIX...
x169x169 graphs List all possible x169 graphs based on given SIX...
x170x170 graphs List all possible x170 graphs based on given SIX...
x171x171 graphs List all possible x171 graphs based on given SIX...
x172x172 graphs List all possible x172 graphs based on given SIX...
x18x18 graphs List all possible x18 graphs based on given SIX...
x37x37 graphs List all possible x37 graphs based on given SIX...
x45x45 graphs List all possible x45 graphs based on given SIX... graphs List all possible graphs based on... graphs List all possible graphs based on given...
x84x84 graphs List all possible x84 graphs based on given SIX...
x95x95 graphs List all possible x95 graphs based on given SIX...
x96x96 graphs List all possible x96 graphs based on given SIX... graphs List all possible R graphs based on given SIX...
y1Y1 graphs List all possible Y1 graphs based on given SIX...
y2Y2 graphs List all possible Y2 graphs based on given SIX...
y3y3 graphs List all possible y3 graphs based on given SIX...
y4y4 graphs List all possible graphs based on...
placeboo/subgraph documentation built on May 29, 2019, 7:37 a.m.