Man pages for pokyah/geoTools
geoTools for Agromet

build_cover.sf.funBuild a sf object containing reclassified CLC data
build_leaflet_template.funBuild a responsive leaflet map displaying agromet AWS network...
build_lowRes_terrain_rasters.funBuild a topographic rasters stack (elevation, slope, aspect) a sp/sf that contains the locations of the Pameseb...
build.SRTM.terrain.90m.ras.funBuild a high resolution topographic rasters stack (elevation,...
build.static.ggmapBuild a static map displaying predictions and their related...
build.vs.grid.funBuild a sp/sf interpolation grid with the desired spatial...
get.points.cover_pct.funGet cover classes percentages for buffered points with custom...
leafletizeBuild a leaflet map displaying predictions and their related...
polygonizepolygonize the outputs of a spatial prediction to make an...
quick.gridQuickly build an interpolation grid with the desired cell...
pokyah/geoTools documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:52 a.m.