Man pages for proto4426/PissoortThesis
Thesis in Extreme Value Theory

acfpacf_plot(P)ACF plots
bootfunsMLE's GPD estimator for xi and boostrap evaluations
diplot_fastDispersion Index Plot for threshld selection
func_seasonRetrieve seasons from months
genHillGeneralized Hill estimates
gevcdnRebuilding of the function from 'GEVcdn' package from ismev redefined
gev.proflikGEV profile neg profile likelihood
ggplotbayesfunsPlots to assess the mixing of the Chains
gibbs2Gibbs sampler for a quadratic nonstationary model in the...
gibbs3Gibbs sampler for a cubic nonstationary model in the location
gibbs.Nstatio1Gibbs Sampler for nonstationary GEV (MCMC)
gibbssig3Return Levels with nonstationarity
gibbs_statioGibbs Sampler for GEV (MCMC)
grid_arrange_legendFormat legend for several ggplots
log_post0Negative GEV log-likelihood and Log-Posterior with...
MeanExcessMean Excess function and plots
MH_mcmc.ownMetropolis-Hastings algorithm for GEV
PissoortThesis-packageStore the useful functions used during the thesis of Antoine...
posterior_pred_ggplotPredictive Posterior density plots
pred_bay_accurPredictive accuracy criterion
Pred_Dens_ggPlotPredictive Posterior density plots
pred_post_samplesPredictive Posterior samples
return.lvl.nstatioReturn Levels with nonstationarity
rlfunsReturn Levels with ggplot2
rlfuns_bayReturn Levels with nonstationarity
runExampleShiny application
theme_pissHomogeneous theme for ggplots
yearly.extrmYearly extrema retrieval
proto4426/PissoortThesis documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:31 a.m.