Man pages for ptds2021/project--G5
Anime recommendation

animeDetailed Description for each anime
anime_finderApplication Demo
anime_with_ratingsAnime data with individual scores of viewers
cos_similarityCompute the cosine similarity between two objects A and B
create_numeric_inputNumeric inputs depending on the selection of the user in the...
item_recommendationSimilarity between anime
newcommer_recomFilter anime according to preferences
score_recoveryRecover the weights given in the boxes generated by...
selectize_countComputation of the amount of items selected in the...
selectize_namesVector of names selected in the selectizeInput
user_based_recomSimilarity between other users to have a list of anime that...
user_item_matrixScore per anime per user
ptds2021/project--G5 documentation built on Dec. 22, 2021, 9:59 a.m.