Man pages for publichealthengland/PHEindicatormethods
Common Public Health Statistics and their Confidence Intervals

assign_funnel_significanceIdentifies whether each value in a dataset falls outside of...
calculate_dsrCalculate Directly Standardised Rates using calculate_dsr
calculate_funnel_limitsCalculate control limits for funnel plots
calculate_funnel_pointsFor rate-based funnels: Derive rate and annual population...
calculate_ISRateCalculate Indirectly Standardised Rates using...
calculate_ISRatioCalculate Indirectly standardised ratios using...
DSR_dataSII test datasets - DSR
esp2013European Standard Population 2013
LE_dataSII test datasets - Life Expectancy
phe_dsrCalculate Directly Standardised Rates using phe_dsr
PHEindicatormethods-packagePHEindicatormethods: Common Public Health Statistics and...
phe_life_expectancyCalculate Life Expectancy using phe_life_expectancy
phe_meanCalculate Means using phe_mean
phe_proportionCalculate Proportions using phe_proportion
phe_quantileAssign Quantiles using phe_quantile
phe_rateCalculate Rates using phe_rate
phe_siiCalculate Slope Index of Inequality using phe_sii
prevalence_dataSII test datasets - Prevalence
publichealthengland/PHEindicatormethods documentation built on Dec. 15, 2024, 3:18 p.m.