Man pages for pwatrick/pwUtilities
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

clean_save_dbi_outputClean DBI output and save as RDA file Last updated:...
create_netezza_queriesFunction to create covariates table over DBI with javaODBC...
create_netezza_queries_v2Function to create covariates table over DBI with javaODBC...
create_word_tableUse flextable package to create table for word docx Last...
demographics_tableGet demographics information, drug repurposing project
drug_repurposing_t1Calculate demographic table information for drug repurposing...
generate_cohort_tableFor drug repurposing EHR validation studies, generates...
get_cohort_selection_numbersGet cohort selection numbers for drug repurposing
netezza_query_icdsFunction to get ICD data for calculating elixhauser scores...
repurposing_query_biomarkersFunction to create SQL query for drugs data Last updated:...
repurposing_query_covariatesFunction to create SQL query for covariates data Last...
repurposing_query_drugsFunction to create SQL query for drugs data Last updated:...
show_results_tableShow results table
pwatrick/pwUtilities documentation built on Oct. 18, 2021, 6:21 p.m.