Man pages for r-spatial/leafem
'leaflet' Extensions for 'mapview'

addCOGAdd Cloud Optimised Geotiff (COG) to a leaflet map.
addCopyExtentCopy current view extent to the clipboard
addExtentAdd extent/bbox of spatial objects to a leaflet map
addFeaturesType agnositc version of 'leaflet::add*' functions.
addFgbAdd a flatgeobuf file to leaflet map
addGeoRasterAdd stars/raster image to a leaflet map using optimised...
addGeotiffAdd a GeoTIFF file to a leaflet map using optimised...
addHomeButtonAdd a home button / zoom-to-layer button to a map.
addImageQueryAdd image query functionality to leaflet/mapview map.
addLocalFileAdd vector data to leaflet map directly from the file system
addLogoadd a local or remote image (png, jpg, gif, bmp, ...) to a...
addMouseCoordinatesAdd mouse coordinate information at top of map.
addPMPolygonsAdd vector tiles stored as PMTiles in an AWS S3 bucket to a...
addRasterRGBAdd an RGB image as a layer
addReactiveFeaturesAdd a reactive layer to map.
addStarsImageAdd stars layer to a leaflet map
addStaticLabelsAdd static labels to 'leaflet' or 'mapview' objects
addTileFolderAdd raster tiles from a local folder
colorOptionsColor options for addGeoRaster and addGeotiff
customizeLayersControlCustomize Layers Control of a Leaflet Map
garnishMapGarnish/decorate leaflet or mapview maps.
imagequeryOptionsImagequery options for addGeoRaster, addGeotiff and addCOG
paintRulesStyling options for PMTiles
updateLayersControlUpdate the layer controls when adding layers to an existing...
r-spatial/leafem documentation built on March 4, 2025, 7:20 p.m.