Man pages for rdpeng/simpleboot
Simple Bootstrap Routines

hist.simplebootHistograms for bootstrap sampling distributions.
lm.bootLinear model bootstrap.
lm.boot.methodsMethods for linear model bootstrap.
loess.boot2-D Loess bootstrap.
loess.boot.methodsMethods for loess bootstrap.
one.bootOne sample bootstrap of a univariate statistic.
pairs.bootTwo sample bootstrap.
percExtract percentiles from a bootstrap sampling distribution.
plot.lm.simplebootPlot method for linear model bootstraps.
plot.loess.simplebootPlot method for loess bootstraps.
samplesExtract sampling distributions from bootstrapped linear/loess...
two.bootTwo sample bootstrap of differences between univariate...
rdpeng/simpleboot documentation built on July 15, 2024, 7:20 p.m.