Man pages for ready4-dev/ready4
Develop and Use Modular Health Economic Models

add_lupsAdd lookup tables
add_referencesAdd references
add_rows_from_fn_argsAdd rows from function arguments
add_scroll_boxAdd scroll box
add_vignette_linksAdd vignette links
authorClasses-methodsAuthor and document classes
authorData-methodsAuthor and document datasets
authorFunctions-methodsAuthor and document functions
author-methodsAuthor and save files
authorReport-methodsAuthor and save a report
authorSlot-methodsApply the author method to a model module slot
bind_tables_from_loc_filesBind tables from local files
characterize-methodsCharacterize model module data by generating (tabular)...
characterizeSlot-methodsApply the characterize method to a model module slot
depict-methodsDepict (plot) features of model module data
depictSlot-methodsApply the depict method to a model module slot
deprecatedDeprecated function
dotdataDot Data function
enhance-methodsEnhance a model module by adding new elements
enhanceSlot-methodsApply the enhance method to a model module slot
exhibit-methodsExhibit features of model module data by printing them to the...
exhibitSlot-methodsApply the exhibit method to a model module slot
get_badges_lupGet badges lookup table
get_badge_urlsGet badge urls
get_cls_extensionsGet class extensions
get_datasets_tbGet datasets tibble
get_digits_from_textGet digits from text
get_dv_fls_urlsGet dataverse files urls
get_examplesGet examples
get_excluded_reposGet excluded repositories
get_fl_extensionGet file extension
get_fl_id_from_dv_lsGet file identity from dataverse list
get_fl_nm_from_pathGet file name from path
get_from_lup_objGet a value from a lookup table
get_functions_tbGet functions tibble
get_genericsGet generics
get_gh_reposGet github repositories
get_gracefullyGet data from the internet with graceful failure
get_libraries_lsGet libraries list
get_libraries_tbGet a table of ready4 libraries
get_manual_urlsGet manual urls
get_methodsGet the methods associated with a ready4 model module
get_methods_tbGet a table of methods associated with ready4 model modules
get_modules_tbGet a table of ready4 model modules
get_mthd_titlesGet method titles
get_r4_obj_slotsGet ready4 module object slots
get_rds_from_dvGet rds from dataverse
get_source_code_urlsGet source code urls
get_subroutine_reposGet subroutine repositories
get_table_from_loc_fileGet table from local file
ingest-methodsIngest data
ingestSlot-methodsApply the ingest method to a model module slot
investigate-methodsInvestigate solutions to an inverse problem
investigateSlot-methodsApply the investigate method to a model module slot
make_additions_tbMake additions tibble
make_code_releases_tblMake a tabular summary of release history of ready4 code...
make_datasets_tbMake a tabular summary of ready4 model data collections
make_ds_releases_tblMake a tabular summary of release history of ready4 model...
make_dss_tbMake datasets tibble
make_files_tbMake files tibble
make_fn_defaults_lsMake function defaults list
make_framework_pkgs_chrMake framework packages character vector
make_libraries_lsMake libraries list
make_libraries_tbMake libraries tibble
make_list_phraseMake list phrase
make_local_path_to_dv_dataMake local path to dataverse data
make_methods_tbMake a tabular summary of methods associated with ready model...
make_modules_pkgs_chrMake modules packages character vector
make_modules_tbMake a tabular summary of ready4 model modules and...
make_programs_tblMake a tabular summary of programs using ready4 model modules
make_promptMake prompt
manufacture-methodsManufacture a new object
manufactureSlot-methodsApply the manufacture method to a model module slot
metamorphose-methodsMetamorphose a model module to a model module of a different...
metamorphoseSlot-methodsApply the metamorphose method to a model module slot
nseequalsNon standard evaluation assignment function
pipePipe operator
print_dataPrint a table of ready4 model data collections
print_dssPrint datasets
print_dvsPrint dataverses
print_methodsPrint a table of methods associated with ready4 model modules
print_modulesPrint a table of ready4 model modules
print_packagesPrint a table of ready4 libraries
print_vignettesPrint vignettes
procure-methodsProcure data from a model module
procureSlot-methodsProcure (get) data from a slot
prognosticate-methodsPrognosticate (make predictions) by solving a forward problem
prognosticateSlot-methodsApply the prognosticate method to a model module slot
ratify-methodsRatify that input or output data meet validity criteria
ratifySlot-methodsApply the ratify method to a model module slot
ready4-packageready4: Develop and Use Modular Health Economic Models
reckon-methodsReckon (calculate) a value
reckonSlot-methodsApply the reckon method to a model module slot
remove_lbls_from_dfRemove labels from dataframe
renew-methodsRenew (update) values
renewSlot-methodsRenew (set) the values of data in a module slot
rowbind_all_tbs_in_r4_objRowbind all tibbles in ready4 module object
rowbind_tbs_in_r4_objRowbind tibbles in ready4 module object
share-methodsShare data via an online repository
shareSlot-methodsApply the share method to a model module slot
transform_chr_to_numTransform character vector to numeric
transform_cls_type_lsTransform class type list
update_libraries_lsUpdate libraries list
update_libraries_tbUpdate libraries tibble
update_pt_fn_args_lsUpdate prototype function arguments list
update_tb_r3Update tibble ready4 submodule
write_all_tbs_in_tbs_r4_to_csvsWrite all tibbles in tibbles ready4 module to comma separated...
write_blog_entriesWrite blog entries
write_citation_cffWrite citation cff
write_conditional_tagsWrite conditional tags
write_dv_fl_to_locWrite dataverse file to local
write_env_objs_to_dvWrite environment objects to dataverse
write_examplesWrite examples
write_extra_pkgs_to_actionsWrite extra packages to actions
write_fls_from_dvWrite files from dataverse
write_fls_to_dvWrite files to dataverse
write_fls_to_repoWrite files to repository
write_from_tmpWrite from temporary
write_ingested_dv_flWrite ingested dataverse file
write_library_metadataWrite library metadata
write_new_credentialsWrite new credentials
write_new_dirsWrite new directories
write_new_filesWrite new files
write_obj_with_promptWrite object with prompt
write_prj_outp_dirsWrite project output directories
write_tb_to_csvWrite tibble to comma separated variables file
write_to_copy_rmdsWrite a local copy of RMD or Rmarkdown files
write_to_delete_dirsWrite to delete directories
write_to_delete_flsWrite to delete files
write_to_dv_from_tblWrite to dataverse from table
write_to_dv_with_waitWrite to dataverse with wait
write_to_edit_workflowWrite to edit workflow
write_to_force_links_inWrite to force links in
write_to_publish_dv_dsWrite to publish dataverse dataset
write_to_render_postWrite ready4 model documentation website page from an RMD or...
write_to_trim_htmlWrite to trim html
write_with_consentWrite with consent
write_wordsWrite words
write_wsWrite ready4 software development local directories
ready4-dev/ready4 documentation built on Oct. 8, 2024, 7:31 p.m.