Man pages for reagro/carobiner
Standardizing agricultural research data

accepted_valuesGet accepted values for a variable
accepted_variablesGet accepted variables
aggregated_dataGet the an aggregated dataset
bindrrbind data.frames that do not necessarily have the same...
carobiner-packageStandardizing agricultural research data
change_namesChange the variable names of a data.frame
check_termsCheck the terms uses in a dataset
find_outliersFind outliers
fix_nameFix character variables
geocodeFind coordinates for geographic locations
geocode_duplicatesFind coordinates for duplicated geographic locations
get_dataDownload a data set
get_functionGet a function
get_locationsGet the compiled location data
is_excelIs this an excel file?
make_carobMake the Carob database
on_githubWhat datasets have been processed?
read_carobRead a processed dataset
read.excelRead an excel file
read.excel.hdrRead an excel file
read_metaGet the dataset level meta-data
referencesGet dataset references
replace_valuesReplace values in a vector
simple_uriClean an URI so that it can be used as a filename
update_termsUpdate the accepted terms
write_filesWrite Carob dataset files
reagro/carobiner documentation built on Feb. 18, 2025, 8:54 p.m.