Man pages for rebeccakuiper/CTmeta
Continuous-time meta-analysis (CTmeta) on standarized lagged effects taking into account the various time-intervals used in the primary studies

AreaArea under the curves in the Phi(DeltaT)-plot
calc.Gamma.fromVARCalculate the stationary covariance matrix Gamma
calc.MaxDeltaTTime-interval (DeltaT) for which Phi_ij(DeltaT) reaches its...
ChecksCTMChecks on CT estimates
CTMATransforms the lagged effect estimates for a given interval...
CTmetaContinuous-time meta-analysis on standardized lagged effects
CTMparamContinuous-time estimates from discrete-time estimates
DiagDeltaTTime-interval (DeltaT) for which the (discrete-time) residual...
Gamma.fromCTMCalculate the stationary covariance matrix Gamma
Gamma.fromVARCalculate the stationary covariance matrix Gamma
ggPhiPlotPhi-plot of Phi based on its underlying drift matrix
MaxDeltaTTime-interval (DeltaT) for which Phi_ij(DeltaT) reaches its...
myDataAn example of data
myDriftAn example of Drift
myGammaAn example of Gamma
myPhiAn example of Phi
mySigmaVARAn example of SigmaVAR
PhiPlotPhi-plot of Phi based on its underlying drift matrix This...
SigmaVARPlotPsi-Plot: Plot of Psi / SigmaVAR
StandPhiCalculate standardized lagged effects matrix and accompanying...
VARparamDiscrete-time estimates from continuous-time estimates
rebeccakuiper/CTmeta documentation built on May 19, 2024, 11:30 p.m.