Man pages for reichlab/cdcForecastUtils
Utility functions for CDC forecasts

arrange_entryArrange an entry for consistency
arrange_rowsArrange the rows of the file
binned_distribution_quantileFind quantiles of a binned distribution
categorical_samples_to_binned_distributionFrom vector of categorical samples, create data frame of bin...
cdcForecastUtilscdcForecastUtils - Utility functions for CDC forecasts
date_start_and_end_to_date_seqCompute the sequence of dates in CDCEpi format from the start...
download_and_preprocess_flu_dataDownload and preprocess the latest CDC flu data, both...
download_and_preprocess_state_flu_dataDownload and preprocess the latest CDC flu data, state-level
fetch_delphi_data_multi_issueFetch and combine data from the Delphi Epidata API
generate_csv_from_submission_dfCreate csv file suitable for submission
generate_point_forecastGenerate a point forecast from probabilistic forecast
generate_point_forecastsGenerate point forecasts for all locations and targets
get_below_baseline_idxCompute first week when incidence falls below baseline and...
get_current_date_from_flu_dataGet current epidemic week from flu data
get_current_time_in_date_seqGet index of epidemic week within a sequence of epidemic...
get_ili_baselineGet the ILI baseline for a combination of region and season
get_required_forecast_horizonHow many weeks ahead are required to forecast specified...
get_standard_location_codeConvert a location name to standardized name as given here:...
get_targets_regionsSave submitted targets/locations of a file
get_time_from_start_of_seasonCompute the time from the start of season
get_viz_from_submission_dfCompute the sequence of dates in CDCEpi format from the start...
internal_logscoreCreate a data frame containing a row with a log score column...
multi_trajectories_to_binned_distributionsConvert a collection of matrices of sampled trajectories for...
numeric_samples_to_binned_distributionFrom a vector of numeric samples, create data frame of bin...
plot_trajectories_and_intervalsPlot trajectories and intervals
read_entryRead in a csv entry file
sanitize_entrySanitize a csv entry file
standardize_targetsConvert targets to standardize form
trajectories_to_binned_distributionsConvert a matrix of sampled trajectories to binned...
verify_binsVerify bins are correct
verify_colnamesVerify the column names of an entry
verify_entryVerify entry stored as an R data.frame
verify_entry_fileVerify an entry file
verify_filenameVerifies appropriate filename structure
verify_locationsVerify the locations
verify_pointVerify validity of point predictions
verify_probabilitiesVerify the entry probabilities
verify_targetsVerify targets are correct
verify_typesVerify types are correct
write_sanitized_fileWrite a sanitized file
reichlab/cdcForecastUtils documentation built on May 6, 2020, 10:43 a.m.