Man pages for reichlab/densitystackr
Flexible model stacking for models that output predictive distributions.

compute_model_weightsCompute (log) weights of component models based on an...
compute_model_weights_from_predsFunction to compute (log) weights of component models from...
densitystackrdensitystackr - Stacking via xgboost
get_obj_deriv_fnA factory-esque arrangement (not sure if there is an actual...
get_obj_fnA factory-esque arrangement (not sure if there is an actual...
preds_to_matrixConvert vector of predictions to matrix format From line 56...
xgbstackFit a stacking model given a measure of performance for each...
reichlab/densitystackr documentation built on May 27, 2019, 4:53 a.m.