Man pages for rformassspectrometry/MetaboCoreUtils
Core Utils for Metabolomics Data

addElementsCombine chemical formulae
adductFormulaCalculate a table of adduct (ionic) formulas
adductNamesRetrieve names of supported adducts
calculateKendrickMassKendrick mass defects
calculateMassCalculate exact mass
containsElementsCheck if one formula is contained in another
convertMtimeConvert migration times to effective mobility
correctRindex2-point correction of RIs
countElementsCount elements in a chemical formula
fit_lmLinear model-based normalization of abundance matrices
formula2mzCalculate mass-to-charge ratio from a formula
indexRtimeConvert retention times to retention indices
internalStandardMixNamesGet names of internal standard mixes provided by the package
internalStandardsGet definitions for internal standards
isotopicSubstitutionMatrixDefinitions of isotopic substitutions
isotopologuesIdentfying isotopologue peaks in MS data
mass2mzCalculate mass-to-charge ratio
mclosestExtract closest values in a pairwise manner between two...
multiplyElementsMultiply chemical formulas by a scalar
mz2massCalculate neutral mass
pasteElementsCreate chemical formula from a named vector
quality_assessmentBasic quality assessment functions for metabolomics
standardizeFormulaStandardize a chemical formula
subtractElementssubtract two chemical formula
rformassspectrometry/MetaboCoreUtils documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 5:13 a.m.