Man pages for ricoderks/lipidomics
Lipidomics workflow

box_plotCreate box plot
bubble_plotCreate bubble plot
bubblePlotServerCreate bubble plot server part
bubblePlotUICreate bubble plot UI
calc_blank_ratioCalculate the sample to average blank ratio
calc_rsdCalculate RSD values of all lipids
clean_upClean up tibble from MS-DIAL
compare_samples_heatmapCreate correlation heatmap of all samples
cor_heatmapCreate correlation heatmap of all samples
do_mwtestDo a Mann-Whitney U test on all lipids
do_pcaDo PCA analysis
do_stat_testDo a statitical test
do_ttestDo a t-test on all lipids
launchApplaunches the shiny app
load_to_envLoad to environment
merge_dataMerge the meta data with the lipid data
pca_explained_var_plotMake an explained variance plot
pca_loadings_plotMake a PCA loadings plot
pca_observation_plotMake a PCA observation plot
pca_scores_plotMake a PCA scores plot
pca_variable_plotMake a PCA variable plot
read_msdialRead MS-DIAl files
select_identifiedKeep only the identified lipids
set_issue_infoMerge the meta data with the lipid data
shinyAppServerShiny app server function
shinyAppUIShiny app server object
show_rsd_histogramShow the histogram of all RSD values
show_rsd_lipidclass_histogramShow the histogram of all RSD values per lipid class
show_rsd_lipidclass_violinShow a violin plot of all RSD values per lipid class
tidy_lipidsMake the tibble in tidy format
volcano_plotCreate volcano plot
ricoderks/lipidomics documentation built on Nov. 10, 2024, 2:30 a.m.