Man pages for rmgpanw/codemapper
Functions for Mapping Between Clinical Coding Systems

all_lkps_maps_to_dbBuild a SQLite database of clinical code look up and mapping...
build_all_lkps_mapsBuild named list of clinical code look up and mapping tables
build_all_lkps_maps_dummyCreate a dummy all_lkps_maps
code_descriptions_likeSearch for codes that match a description
codemapper-packagecodemapper: Functions for Mapping Between Clinical Coding...
codes_starting_withGet codes that start with...
default_col_filtersDefault filtering parameters for lookup and mapping tables.
default_overlapping_disease_categories_csvCSV file for resolving overlapping disease categories in...
download_caliber_repoDownload the caliber github repository
dummy_all_lkps_maps_pathDummy UK Biobank resource 592 file path
dummy_caliber_dir_pathDummy CALIBER repository
dummy_clinical_events_tidyDummy UK Biobank clinical events, tidied
dummy_icd10_phecode_map_pathDummy Phecode Map 1.2 with ICD-10 codes (beta) file path
dummy_phecode_lkp_pathDummy Phecode definitions file path
dummy_ukb_codings_pathDummy UK Biobank codings file path
get_caliber_categories_mappingGet a mapping table of CALIBER phenotypes/categories
get_mapping_dfGet a 'from-to' mapping data frame
get_nhsbsa_snomed_bnfDownload and read the NHSBSA BNF_SNOMED mapping file
get_phecode_definitionsDownload the Phecode 1.2 definitions file
get_phecode_icd10_mapDownload the Phecode 1.2 to ICD10 (beta) mapping file
get_phecode_icd9_mapDownload the Phecode 1.2 to ICD9 mapping file
get_ukb_all_lkps_mapsGet UK Biobank resource 592 directly from UKB website
get_ukb_self_report_med_to_atc_mapDownload and read a UKB welf-reported medication code to ATC...
lookup_codesLook up descriptions for clinical codes
make_phecode_reverse_mapReverse map from phecodes to Read and ICD 9
map_clinical_events_to_phecodesMap UK Biobank clinical events to phecodes
map_codesMap clinical codes from one coding system to another
pipePipe operator
read_all_lkps_mapsRead UK Biobank resource 592 into a named list
read_all_lkps_maps_dummyRead dummy UK Biobank resource 592 into R
read_caliber_rawImport CALIBER code lists
read_icd10_phecode_map_dummyRead dummy Phecode Map 1.2 with ICD-10 codes (beta) file into...
read_phecode_lkp_dummyRead dummy Phecode definitions file into R
read_ukb_codings_dummyRead dummy UK Biobank codings into R
reformat_caliber_for_ukbReformat and map CALIBER codes for use with UK Biobank data
reformat_icd10_codesReformat ICD-10 codes
runCodelistBuilderCreate a clinical codelist with R Shiny.
rmgpanw/codemapper documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 4:07 p.m.