Man pages for ropensci/rebird
R Client for the eBird Database of Bird Observations

ebirdchecklistView Checklist
ebirdchecklistfeedChecklist feed on a date at a region or hotspot
ebirdfreqDownload historical frequencies of bird observations from...
ebirdgeoSightings at location determined by latitude/longitude
ebirdhistoricalHistoric observations on a date at a region or hotspot
ebirdhotspot-defunctThis function is defunct.
ebirdhotspotlistHotspots in a region or nearby coordinates
ebirdloc-defunctThis function is defunct.
ebirdnotableRecent nearby notable observations
ebirdregionRecent observations at a region or hotspot
ebirdregioncheck-defunctThis function is defunct.
ebirdregioninfoRegion and hotspot info
ebirdregionspeciesGet a list of species codes ever seen in a location.
ebirdsubregionlistList sub-regions within a specified region.
ebirdtaxonomyeBird Taxonomy
ebirdtaxonomyversioneBird Taxonomy Version
getlatlngget latitude and longitude from ip address
nearestobsRecent nearby observations of a species
rebird-defunctDefunct functions in rebird
rebird-packagerebird: R Client for the eBird Database of Bird Observations
species_codeReturn species code
tax2023 edition of the eBird taxonomy (eBird v2023)
ropensci/rebird documentation built on Feb. 7, 2025, 1:19 a.m.