Man pages for rspatial/luna
Tools for Satellite Remote Sensing (Earth Observation) Data Processing

filterGapfill and filter time series satellite data
getAVHRRFind and download AVHRR NDVI Climate Data Record (CDR)
getCGLSDownload CGLS products
getEEdownload from Earth Explorer
getERSDownload data from ERS
getLandsatFind and download Landsat products
getNASAFind and download NASA products
getProductsFind NASA product names
luna-packageTools for Satellite Remote Sensing (Earth Observation) Data...
mesmaMultiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (Spectral...
modis_dateExtract the date from a MODIS filename
modis_extentGet the extent of a MODIS tile
modis_maskMODIS mask
pansharpenPanchromatic sharpening
productInfoNASA product information
rspatial/luna documentation built on Dec. 26, 2024, 12:33 a.m.