Man pages for rstudio-education/dsbox
Data Science Course in a Box

accidentsRoad Safety Data - Accidents 2018
dcbikeshareBike Rentals In D.C.
dennysLocations of Denny's restaurants
edibnbAirbnb Listings in Edinburgh
fisheriesFishing industry by country
gss16Data from the 2016 General Social Survey (GSS)
instructorsInstructional staff employee trends
laquintaLocations of La Quinta Inn motels
lego_salesSales of Lego sets (simulated)
ncbikecrashNorth Carolina Bicycle Crash Data
ncbreweriesBreweries in North Carolina
pac_2020Foreign-Connected PAC Contributions, 2020, clean data
pac_2020_rawForeign-Connected PAC Contributions, 2020, raw data
pac_allForeign-Connected PAC Contributions, all years, clean data
pac_all_rawForeign-Connected PAC Contributions, all years, raw data
student_surveyStudent survey
ucbadmitUC Berkeley admissions
rstudio-education/dsbox documentation built on Oct. 22, 2023, 12:20 a.m.