Man pages for rstudio/packrat
A Dependency Management System for Projects and their R Package Dependencies

appDependenciesDetect Application Dependencies
bundleBundle a Packrat Project
cleanRemove Packages from the Library
disableDisable the use of Packrat in a Project
initInitialize Packrat on a new or existing R project
installInstall a local development package.
install_localInstall a Package from a Local Repository
lockfile-metadataGet / Set packrat lockfile metadata
packifyAutomatically Enter Packrat Mode on Startup
packrat-externalManaging External Libraries
packrat-modePackrat Mode
packrat-optionsGet/set packrat project options
packrat-packagePackrat: Reproducible dependency management
packrat-resourcesPaths to Packrat Resources
repos_createCreate a Local, CRAN-like Repository
repository-managementAdd a Repository
repos_uploadUpload a Package to a Local CRAN-like Repository
restoreApply the most recent snapshot to the library
search_pathGet Packages on the Search Path
snapshotCapture and store the packages and versions in use
snapshotImplInternal Snapshot Implementation
statusShow differences between the last snapshot and the library
unbundleUnbundle a Packrat Project
unused_packagesFind Unused Packages in a Project
rstudio/packrat documentation built on Feb. 2, 2025, 7:01 a.m.