Man pages for rstudio/reticulate
Interface to 'Python'

array_reshapeReshape an Array
as.character.python.builtin.bytesConvert Python bytes to an R character or raw vector
as.character.python.builtin.strConvert a Python string to an R Character Vector
conda_run2Run a command in a conda environment
conda-toolsConda Tools
configure_environmentConfigure a Python Environment
dictCreate Python dictionary
eng_pythonA reticulate Engine for Knitr
importImport a Python module
install_minicondaInstall Miniconda
install_pythonInstall Python
ipythonIPython console
is_py_objectCheck if x is a Python object
iterateTraverse a Python iterator or generator
miniconda_pathPath to Miniconda
miniconda_uninstallRemove Miniconda
miniconda_updateUpdate Miniconda
nameOfClass.python.builtin.type'nameOfClass()' for Python objects
np_arrayNumPy array
Ops-python-methodsS3 Ops Methods for Python Objects
pyInteract with the Python Main Module
py_availableCheck if Python is available on this system
py_boolPython Truthiness
py_callCall a Python callable object
py_capture_outputCapture and return Python output
PyClassCreate a python class
py_configPython configuration
py_config_error_messageBuild Python configuration error message
py_del_attrDelete an attribute of a Python object
py_discover_configDiscover the version of Python to use with reticulate.
py_ellipsisThe builtin constant Ellipsis
py_evalEvaluate a Python Expression
py_exePython executable
py_funcWrap an R function in a Python function with the same...
py_function_custom_scaffoldCustom Scaffolding of R Wrappers for Python Functions
py_function_wrapperScaffold R wrappers for Python functions
py_get_attrGet an attribute of a Python object
py_get_itemGet/Set/Delete an item from a Python object
py_has_attrCheck if a Python object has an attribute
py_helpDocumentation for Python Objects
py_help_handlerProvide help for Python objects
py_idUnique identifer for Python object
py_installInstall Python packages
py_is_null_xptrCheck if a Python object is a null externalptr
py_iteratorCreate a Python iterator from an R function
py_last_errorGet or (re)set the last Python error encountered.
py_lenLength of Python object
py_list_attributesList all attributes of a Python object
py_list_packagesList installed Python packages
py_main_thread_funcDeprecated Create a Python function that will always be...
py_module_availableCheck if a Python module is available on this system.
py_noneThe Python None object
py_requireDeclare Python Requirements
py_runRun Python code
py_save_objectSave and Load Python Objects
py_set_attrSet an attribute of a Python object
py_set_seedSet Python and NumPy random seeds
py_strString representation of a python object.
py_suppress_warningsSuppress Python warnings for an expression
py_to_r_wrapperR wrapper for Python objects
py_unicodeConvert to Python Unicode Object
py_versionPython version
py_versions_windowsDiscover versions of Python installed on a Windows system
register_class_filterRegister a filter for class names
register_help_topicsRegister help topics
register_module_help_handlerRegister a help handler for a root Python module
register_suppress_warnings_handlerRegister a handler for calls to py_suppress_warnings
repl_pythonRun a Python REPL
reticulateR Interface to Python
r-py-conversionConvert between Python and R objects
source_pythonRead and evaluate a Python script
tupleCreate Python tuple
use_pythonUse Python
uv_run_tooluv run tool
virtualenv-toolsInterface to Python Virtual Environments
with-as-operatorCreate local alias for objects in 'with' statements.
with.python.builtin.objectEvaluate an expression within a context.
rstudio/reticulate documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 8:38 a.m.