Man pages for ryantimpe/ipfitr
Iterative Proportion Fitting for the Tidyverse

check_targetsCheck the targets and seed for compatibility before running...
group_by_notGroup by all variables except those listed
ia_castUse one vector to fore- or backcast another vector
ia_scaleA scale the sum or product of a vector to another value
ip_backcastUse one data value series to backcast other series
ip_create_seedCreate initial dataframe of all unique target series.
ip_expandWrapper function to create seed and perform iterative...
ip_fitIterative proportional fitting to scale seed values to...
ip_fit_slIterative proportional fitting to scale seed values to...
ip_growth_transformScale data frame values to match growth targets over any...
ip_load_assumptionsCreate all freeze and minmax assumption data frames from...
ip_load_mask_aConvert a data frame of seed masks to individual data frames
ip_load_slice_aConvert a data frame of slice targets to individual data...
ip_mask_seedApply a layer of multiplicative masks to a seed.
ip_missCompare data frame to target subtotals and calculate absolute...
ip_miss_aCompare data frame to target subtotals and calculate absolute...
ip_scaleSingle target scale function calling external dataframe.
ip_scale_aSingle target scale function using single data frame.
ip_shares_calcScale data frame values to shares over specified series
ip_shares_totCreate a generic share target of 1, dropping component series
ip_shares_transformScale data frame values to match share targets over any...
ryantimpe/ipfitr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:55 a.m.