Man pages for sckott/rphylopic
Get Silhouettes of Organisms from PhyloPic

add_phylopicAnnotate a ggplot plot with PhyloPics
add_phylopic_baseAdd PhyloPics to a base R plot
add_phylopic_legendAdd a PhyloPic legend for a base R plot
browse_phylopicBrowse PhyloPic for a given taxonomic name or uuid
flip_phylopicFlip a PhyloPic silhouette along its horizontal and/or...
geom_phylopicGeom for adding PhyloPic silhouettes to a plot
get_attributionGet PhyloPic attribution data
get_phylopicRetrieve an image for a given PhyloPic uuid
get_uuidGet a PhyloPic uuid
phylopic_key_glyphUse PhyloPics as legend key glyphs
pick_phylopicPick a PhyloPic image from available options
plot_phylopicPreview a PhyloPic silhouette
recolor_phylopicRecolor a PhyloPic image
resolve_phylopicUse a taxonomic name from another database to get a PhyloPic...
rotate_phylopicRotate a PhyloPic silhouette
rphylopic-packagerphylopic: Get Silhouettes of Organisms from PhyloPic
save_phylopicSave a PhyloPic image
scalesScales for phylopic height or width
sckott/rphylopic documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 12:27 p.m.