Man pages for seankross/p5
Create Drawings, Animations, and Interactions with the 'p5' Javascript Library

arcDraw an Arc
backgroundSet the canvas bachground color
betweenMake a between sketch
bind_sketchesCombine multiple sketches together
createCanvasSet the dimensions of the sketch canvas
drawMake a draw sketch
ellipseDraw an Ellipse
fillSet shape color
jsAdd Javascript to any part of a sketch
lineDraw a Line
noFillDisable shape color
noLoopStop draw() from looping.
noStrokeTurn off shape outlines
p5Create a p5 sketch
p5-shinyShiny bindings for p5
pipePipe operator
pointDraw a Point
postMake a post sketch
preMake a pre sketch
quadDraw a Quadrilateral
rectDraw a Rectangle
setupMake a setup sketch
sketchCreate a sketch from multiple parts
strokeSet the color used to draw lines around shapes
triangleDraw a Triangle
seankross/p5 documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:17 a.m.