Man pages for sebastiansauer/prada
Data and R functions for practical data analysis

bayesboxCompute Bayes Box
check_missing_packagesCheck which packages are missing
comb2pngsA function to plot 2 png images as one in a knitr chunk
count_lexiconCount hits in a lexicon
count_lexicon_dfCount hits in a lexicon
count_lexicon_vecCount hits in a lexicon
download_osfA function to download data from
find_funsFinds the package of some function
get_dag_sizeGet the size of a DAG
install_prada_pckgsGet packages necessary for all analyses in package 'prada'
is_in_toleranceIs value within tolerance?
mostExtract the mode
na_countCount all missing values in a data frame
pdf2pngConvert pdf file to png file, with white space cropped
pradaprada: A package for practical data analysis
prada_pckgsVector of all packages needed for "Praktische Datenanalyse"...
prop_favA function to compute the proportion of 'favorable' pairwise...
sebastiansauer/prada documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 2:48 p.m.