Man pages for sebastiansauer/pradadata
Data Sets for Practical Data Analysis

afdParty platform ("Parteiprogramm") of the AfD party...
afd_2022Party platform ("Grundsatzprogramm") of the AfD party...
ames_de_testShort version of the Ames housing data
ames_de_trainShort version of the Ames housing data
corr_dataCorrelated data
countriesWorld country names
cult_valuesSchwartz Cultural Value Orientation Scores for 80 countries
datingResults from an experiment on status symbols an dating...
elec_resultsDataframe containing the results of the 2017 federal...
extraResults from a survey on extraversion
extra_namesItem labels - for dataset 'extra' in package 'prada'
germanlexGerman sentiment lexicon
offensiveText snippets, similar to tweets, in German language, partly...
parties_deNames of the parties who ran for the German federal elections...
polits_twitterDictionary of German politicians and their party affiliation
pradadatapradadata: Data sets for practical data analysis
precip_temp_DWDAir temperature and precipitation in Germany
schimpfwoerterList of profane words (Schimpfwörter) in German
sentiwsSentiment dictionary "SentiWS"
socecDataframe containing socio economic data of the German...
socec_dictDataframe containing the mapping of the socio economic...
stats_testResults from an exam in inferential statistics.
wahlkreise_shpDataframe containing the geomapping data of the electoral...
wellbeingData from the OECD Regional Wellbeing study...
WerteResults from a survey on value orientation
wild_emojisCuration of "wild" emojis
wo_menHeight, sex, and shoe size of some students.
sebastiansauer/pradadata documentation built on June 5, 2024, 1:27 a.m.