Man pages for sginot/MorphoInd
Simpsons LSI and Uerpmanns VSI

combin_mo_indCombining outputs from separate runs of function...
equusMorphological linear measurements for Equus (sub-)species,...
global_SI.testGlobal Size Index (LSI, VSI, VSI*) test
lsrLog-Shape Ratios (from Rmorph, M. Baylac)
morpho_indicesSimpson's Log-Size Index (LSI) and Uerpmann's Variability...
paired_SI.testPaired Size Index (LSI, VSI, VSI*) test
plot_mo_indPlotting function for 'morpho_indices' outputs
sginot/MorphoInd documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 1:32 a.m.