ddkou | PDF of displaced double-exponential jumps |
ddtfm | Probability density function of fitted model |
dgbm | #' Probability density function for Black-Scholes... |
dgcpp | Cumulative distribution function for geometric compensated... |
dgmm | Probability density function for Gaussian mixtures |
dgmm1 | Probability density function for Gaussian mixtures |
dhit_gbm | The PDF of the hitting time of for a GBM to reach a price... |
dhit_merton | The hitting time PDF of a Merton jump-diffusion |
dkou | PDF of double-exponential jumps |
dmerton | The probability density function under Merton's... |
dmerton1 | The probability density function under Merton's... |
dmvtnorm | Multivariate normal probability density function |
dstable | Wrapper to libstable4u |
ema | Exponentially moving average |
eta | The exponent used in the method of images for hitting time... |
ewmc | Exponentially moving covariance |
extract_mixture | Convenience to extract parameters |
fitDTFM | Fit returns distribution to daily-arithmetic returns |
fit_ema_gbm | Fit GBM model where parameters are estimated using EMAs |
fitGBM | Fit a geometric Brownian motion to a daily log-returns... |
fitGBMs | Fit correlated geometric Brownian motions to a matrix of... |
fitHeston | fit Heston parameters using particle filter and QMLE |
fitMixtureDiffusion | Fit log-normal mixture diffusion to daily-time series of... |
fitSymmetricMerton | Fit the symmetric Merton jump diffusion model to log-return... |
hestonLogLikelihood | Quasi log-likelihood function for Heston model |
hestonMLE | Quasi MLE for Heston dynamics |
hestonParticleFilter | Particle filter for filtering volatility in the Heston model |
hitmode_gbm | The mode of the hitting time to a price level for a GBM |
likelihood_ratio | Likelihood ratio hypothesis test |
logLikeGBM | Log-likelihood function for GBM with time-dependent... |
logLikeMerton | Log-likelihood for Merton jump diffusion log-increments |
mixture_drift | The drift coefficient function for a log-normal mixture... |
mixture_vol | The diffusion coefficient function for a log-normal mixture... |
mseGBM | Mean square error between empirical PDF and time-dependent... |
mseMerton | MSE between empirical and model PDF under Merton's... |
obs_mean | Conditional mean and volatility functions of state and... |
obs_vol | Conditional mean and volatility functions of state and... |
pdkou | CDF of displaced double-exponential jumps |
pgbm | Cumulative distribution function for Black-Scholes... |
pgcpp | Cumulative distribution function for geometric compensated... |
pgmm | Cumulative distribution function for Gaussian mixtures |
pgmm1 | Cumulative distribution function for Gaussian mixtures |
phit_gbm | The CDF of the hitting time of for a GBM to reach a price... |
phit_merton | The hitting time CDF of a Merton jump-diffusion |
pkou | CDF of double-exponential jumps |
pmerton | The cumulative distribution function under Merton's... |
pstable | Wrapper to libstable4u |
qstable | Wrapper to libstable4u |
rcornorm | Generate a vector of two correlated standard Gaussian RVs |
rdkou | Simulate displaced double-exponential jumps |
rgbm | Generate variates under Black-Scholes distribution |
rgcpp | Simulate variates under geometric compensated Poisson... |
rgmm | Sampling algorithm for Gaussian mixtures |
rkou | Simulate double-exponential jumps |
rmerton | Simulate the terminal RV of a log-Merton jump diffusion |
rstable | Wrapper to libstable4u |
stableVAR | Value at Risk for stable distribution |
state_mean | Conditional mean and volatility functions of state and... |
state_vol | Conditional mean and volatility functions of state and... |
survival_merton | The survival probability of a boundary by a given time under... |
testMertonSimDensity | Verify the empirical density of Merton simulated variates |
trans_den_merton | The transition density used and reflect in the method of... |
update_ema | Efficient EMA updates |
update_ewmc | Efficient EMA updates |
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