Man pages for shill1729/findistr
Common distributions used in finance

ddkouPDF of displaced double-exponential jumps
ddtfmProbability density function of fitted model
dgbm#' Probability density function for Black-Scholes...
dgcppCumulative distribution function for geometric compensated...
dgmmProbability density function for Gaussian mixtures
dgmm1Probability density function for Gaussian mixtures
dhit_gbmThe PDF of the hitting time of for a GBM to reach a price...
dhit_mertonThe hitting time PDF of a Merton jump-diffusion
dkouPDF of double-exponential jumps
dmertonThe probability density function under Merton's...
dmerton1The probability density function under Merton's...
dmvtnormMultivariate normal probability density function
dstableWrapper to libstable4u
emaExponentially moving average
etaThe exponent used in the method of images for hitting time...
ewmcExponentially moving covariance
extract_mixtureConvenience to extract parameters
fitDTFMFit returns distribution to daily-arithmetic returns
fit_ema_gbmFit GBM model where parameters are estimated using EMAs
fitGBMFit a geometric Brownian motion to a daily log-returns...
fitGBMsFit correlated geometric Brownian motions to a matrix of...
fitHestonfit Heston parameters using particle filter and QMLE
fitMixtureDiffusionFit log-normal mixture diffusion to daily-time series of...
fitSymmetricMertonFit the symmetric Merton jump diffusion model to log-return...
hestonLogLikelihoodQuasi log-likelihood function for Heston model
hestonMLEQuasi MLE for Heston dynamics
hestonParticleFilterParticle filter for filtering volatility in the Heston model
hitmode_gbmThe mode of the hitting time to a price level for a GBM
likelihood_ratioLikelihood ratio hypothesis test
logLikeGBMLog-likelihood function for GBM with time-dependent...
logLikeMertonLog-likelihood for Merton jump diffusion log-increments
mixture_driftThe drift coefficient function for a log-normal mixture...
mixture_volThe diffusion coefficient function for a log-normal mixture...
mseGBMMean square error between empirical PDF and time-dependent...
mseMertonMSE between empirical and model PDF under Merton's...
obs_meanConditional mean and volatility functions of state and...
obs_volConditional mean and volatility functions of state and...
pdkouCDF of displaced double-exponential jumps
pgbmCumulative distribution function for Black-Scholes...
pgcppCumulative distribution function for geometric compensated...
pgmmCumulative distribution function for Gaussian mixtures
pgmm1Cumulative distribution function for Gaussian mixtures
phit_gbmThe CDF of the hitting time of for a GBM to reach a price...
phit_mertonThe hitting time CDF of a Merton jump-diffusion
pkouCDF of double-exponential jumps
pmertonThe cumulative distribution function under Merton's...
pstableWrapper to libstable4u
qstableWrapper to libstable4u
rcornormGenerate a vector of two correlated standard Gaussian RVs
rdkouSimulate displaced double-exponential jumps
rgbmGenerate variates under Black-Scholes distribution
rgcppSimulate variates under geometric compensated Poisson...
rgmmSampling algorithm for Gaussian mixtures
rkouSimulate double-exponential jumps
rmertonSimulate the terminal RV of a log-Merton jump diffusion
rstableWrapper to libstable4u
stableVARValue at Risk for stable distribution
state_meanConditional mean and volatility functions of state and...
state_volConditional mean and volatility functions of state and...
survival_mertonThe survival probability of a boundary by a given time under...
testMertonSimDensityVerify the empirical density of Merton simulated variates
trans_den_mertonThe transition density used and reflect in the method of...
update_emaEfficient EMA updates
update_ewmcEfficient EMA updates
shill1729/findistr documentation built on May 20, 2024, 9:43 a.m.