Man pages for sinanshi/LPJmL_RUtil
Data manipulation tools for LPJmL.

deg2area_haconvert degree of latitue [deg] to area [Ha]
deg2area_m2convert degree of latitue [deg] to area [m^2] the global average of selected years and bands
lpjoutput2ncdfconvert any lpjoutput to ncdf
map.buildConvert vector data to raster
new.var.ncdfcreate an empty ncdf file with single variable.
output.operationoutput.operation Do user defined operations on LPJ outputs.
read.input.gridRead input grid (clm), return global values lon, lat, EAST,...
read.input.headerRead header of LPJ inputs in clm. The current header layout...
read.input.yearbandRead one year and one band of LPJ clm data, and return a...
read.input.yearbandsRead one year and all bands of LPJ clm data, and return an...
read.output.gridread output grid and return global variable lon, lat, and...
read.output.yearbandread data of a selected band and year of LPJ binary output....
read.output.yearblockread output by given a year block
sinanshi/LPJmL_RUtil documentation built on Feb. 8, 2023, 5:56 p.m.